DC Caucus of Rank and File Educators
Fighting for the school communities DC deserves
Keisha Warner
Member At Large Elementary
What position are you running for in the WTU? Member At Large Elementary
If you are running on a slate, provide the name: Unity
What school(s) do you work at? Barnard Elementary School
What is your current role at your school? Teacher (Pre-K 4)
How many years have you worked for DCPS? 11 years
Describe your leadership experience, including what you have done in the WTU Delegate and Teachers’ Leader Program Participant
Why are you running? (Max. 1000 characters) I want to be part of the solution in building a better and stronger union
What is your vision for the union? (Max. 1000 characters) My vision for the union is a proactive solutions based union. A union that identifies issues and concerns and uses all resources to get to the solution.
If elected, what are your top 3 priorities that you would focus on to achieve your vision for the WTU? (Max. 1000 characters) 1. Contract 2. Work Environment 3. Reputation
What are your top 3 contract priorities for future negotiations? Pay. Benefits. Work Environment
What is the strategy the WTU should take to achieve that vision? I think that WTU needs to look for more competent Counsel/Legal Representation. Creating relationships with media on Local and National level.
If elected, what is your role in achieving that vision? Putting vision in action. Getting buy in and support then creating a pathway.
If elected, how do you see yourself working with caucuses like DC-CORE? I think caucuses are the pulse. Definitely working with caucuses
Do you believe that the WTU should organize and prepare to be "strike ready"? Yes